RAV-FlightoftheRooster_6-Pack_Rendering-FLAT-CMYKRAVINIA Rooster-12OZ_Sleeve-V9-VENDOR

Flight of the Rooster Saison



This naughty Rooster delivers a dry, complex mouthfeel + a silly amount of Nelson Sauvin hops to make just about anyone… Cock-a-doodle-doo! Serve fancy or au naturale!
SKU: 2017003 Categories

The "Rooster" is one of our proudest beers as it is not only a fan favorite - but represents many of the reasons we got into beer in the first place! This beer uses Nelson Sauvin hops from New Zealand - from one of the same regions that does the best Sauvignon Blanc in the world! As such, it exudes wine flavors, aromas and characteristics that truly make this a special treat. While we can't promise to have this rare delight available every single week, the "Rooster" will live with us through our murals and gears as we think he does a great job of epitomizing our brand... At 7.5% ABV, this one may be better sipped than downed swiftly! 

Pair With:  Picnics, AM Radio & Kung Fu

Nelson Sauvin Hops
White Grape, Sauvignon Blanc essence
7.5% Alc/Vol
25 IBUs

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